Parents & Support Systems
The Role of the Family
The engagement of parents, family members, and support systems in your Theta’s experience is encouraged and welcomed. Regardless of your level of involvement, it is critical to recognize the importance of your Theta having an independent membership experience. While your support makes a positive impact, the membership experience is the Theta’s alone.

Member Conduct
Kappa Alpha Theta expects that all members will follow organizational policy, college/university regulations, and all local, state/province, and federal laws. Failure to meet these expectations may lead to individual member discipline.

Hazing Statement
Kappa Alpha Theta seeks to promote an environment that is always physically and emotionally safe and does not tolerate any acts that may be constituted as hazing.
Hazing is defined as the subjection of a member or new member to any activity which endangers or reasonably may be expected to endanger the emotional and/or physical health or safety of a member or new member or any activity which would be expected to humiliate, embarrass, or cause personal discomfort to a member or new member, regardless of one’s willingness to participate in such activity.