Chapter Life
As an organization built on sisterhood, Kappa Alpha Theta exists to create connection amongst women of similar values through shared experiences. Membership in Theta leads women into a life of friends, experiences, and goals that they might not have had otherwise. Being part of Theta leads a woman to personal excellence, offering her ways to become her best self.

Kappa Alpha Theta seeks members with intellectual curiosity.
Theta would work with the Panhellenic community to identify comparable scholastic GPA requirements for a charter class. Once established, chapter members will create their own bylaws, which will include member and officer GPA requirements.
Members who fall below the chapter’s GPA requirement are asked to make an academic development plan for improvement. The chapter’s academic development director and advisor(s) support them throughout the process with regular check-ins throughout the semester.

Member Programming
Kappa Alpha Theta is proud to offer many opportunities for leadership development, service, networking, and lifelong learning.
Emerging Leaders Institute
Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) is a four-day in-person leadership experience designed to enhance the personal development of undergraduate members who identify as emerging leaders. ELI participants develop a greater understanding of who they are as a person and leader and learn how to apply leadership skills and experiences to their undergraduate experience and beyond. This program is hosted in the summer and members from newly established chapters are given special consideration in the application process.
Leadership Academy
Kappa Alpha Theta offers a leadership workshop for Theta’s executive officers called Leadership Academy. This workshop is offered to one officer per year and has been offered to the president and various vice presidents in the past. The curriculum is designed to help Theta officers apply the model to their practice and learn skills that can not only be applied to their Theta position, but also to other areas of their lives.
Leadership Certificate Program
The Leadership Certificate Program is a virtual, cohort-based program for undergraduate members looking to learn and apply leadership skills with an emphasis on career readiness and networking. Curriculum focuses on ethical and emotionally intelligent leadership and post-graduate skill building.
Virtual Education
Kappa Alpha Theta offers a variety of opportunities to engage with other Thetas and learn virtually throughout the year. These programs include recorded webinars, interactive online modules, cohort leadership programs, officer training programs, and live training sessions on topics ranging from strengths-based leadership to goal setting to officer training. Programs that used to be offered to a limited number of people due to cost, travel, and accessibility can now be accessed by all members throughout the year from wherever students are.
Theta Scholarships
Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation is an industry leader among fraternal organizations in both quantity and dollar amount of scholarships awarded to members. Theta Foundation awards more than $800,000 in scholarships each year. Each scholarship is a minimum of $1,000, and four outstanding undergraduate members are selected annually to receive a Founders Memorial Scholarship valued at $12,000 each.

Theta Grants
Theta Foundation grants several hundreds of thousands of dollars each academic year to nonprofit organizations, promoting Kappa Alpha Theta’s social aim of exercising the widest influence for good. Theta Foundation also supports the non-degree educational and leadership endeavors of individual members and chapters. Recent grant recipients have used these funds to provide chapter-wide educational programming, support volunteer work abroad, and sponsor workshops on their college campuses. Theta Foundation grants aim to further member growth leaders on their campuses and in their communities.

Learn More About Chapter Life
Kappa Alpha Theta has statements on topics directly impacting the experiences of our members.
Read Our Position Statements