Join Theta
Member Eligibility
You are eligible to participate in recruitment if you:
Are a regularly-matriculated student on campus,
Have never been an initiated member of another National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) group, and
Have not been a new member of an NPC group on your campus since the last primary recruitment.

Recruitment Process
The recruitment process is as follows:
"Get to Know Theta" events
Information sessions
1:1 connections made with potential members
Invitational events
Bid day

Member Eligibility Statement
Kappa Alpha Theta welcomes as members, in accordance with the laws of the Fraternity, college women, without regard to race, religion, national origin, age, disability, or other characteristics protected by applicable law. As some of the earliest women to attend college, Kappa Alpha Theta’s founders fought for inclusion in a frequently hostile educational and social environment. Our mission is to offer women lifelong opportunities for intellectual, and personal growth. Those who identify as women are eligible for membership in Kappa Alpha Theta.

Interested in becoming a Theta?
Complete this form to receive updates about Theta's reestablishment in Columbia and information regarding how to become a member of Kappa Alpha Theta!
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